Your outlook on life has always inspired me and everyone around you. You were the most genuine, kind, courageous, brilliant and beautiful person. You were the best brother and the best friend I could ever ask for.
A message from Austin King...
Joey lived with a sense of zest and brought an unmistakable vigor to each day. His passion for life created a gravitational pull, it drew people in and gifted them excitement and optimism. Life can sometimes be hectic and even overwhelming, but the Joey Peter Bartzis Foundation provides the world with an opportunity.
A message from Charlie...
A message from Parker King...
A message from Kate Chappell...
A message from Ashley and Travis Tzioumis...
A message from Theia Sandie...
A message from Matt...
A message from Peter Tzioumis...
A message from Elaina...
I find comfort knowing the Joseph Peter Bartzis Foundation will spread awareness about Amyloidosis and encourage all, especially young adults, like Joey, to get annual physicals. Joey constantly helped others and through the foundation, he will continue to help others. Not a day goes by that our family does not feel Joey’s absence…