the mission
The Joseph Peter Bartzis Foundation was formed to bring awareness to Amyloidosis, to help fund research to find a cure, and encourage young adults to receive annual physicals and blood tests.
The mission of the JPB Foundation is twofold:
We want to bring awareness to Amyloidosis, a rare blood disorder that occurs when plasma cells in your bone marrow change or mutate, and raise funds to support advancing research in the field. It is estimated that 4,500 people develop Amyloidosis annually, but so often this disease goes undiagnosed or the diagnosis is delayed.
We encourage young adults to advocate for their health and go for annual physicals and blood work. The reason is more than an early diagnosis of Amyloidosis, but the plethora of other health conditions that are out there.
“Today, there are an increasing number of health conditions affecting the general public. Don’t wait until it is too late. Be an advocate for your own health. I don’t want another young adult to go undiagnosed with a disease that can be treated with an early diagnosis.”- Peter Bartzis