…My brother, my mentor, my best friend, and my biggest fan. So many memories come to mind when I think of the times we shared. Growing up together in Chicago, to family trips and holidays, a life filled with big smiles and laughter that I will forever cherish.
Joey was there for my first high school football touchdown, running alongside me from up in the bleachers, cheering and chanting my name. He once saved my life in Mexico, when the ocean current pulled me away from the beach, he jumped in and hauled me back to shore. He visited me several times at college and surprised me at my fraternity initiation so he could be the one who welcomed me into the chapter. He constantly told me how proud of me he was, and that I could do or be anything I wanted in this world. He is one of the few people who would meet me anywhere, at any time, if I called for his aid. After Joey passed, I saw the impact he had on so many people as they showed up by the thousands to celebrate his life. I think often about the influence he had on myself and the lives of others, and I am truly lucky to call him my brother. The pain his loss carries is indescribable but looking back on his life brings a sense of love and remembrance.
Although Joey is not here with us today, The Joseph Peter Bartzis Foundation will keep his memory alive and continue the positive effect he had on the world. To me, every dollar raised means hope and inspiration for families and their loved ones who must face the battle against Amyloidosis. I hope Joey’s story and spirit will help to raise awareness and continue development toward a cure for this disease in all its forms. I am positive Joey would be proud of the work being done in his name, and I know together we can make a substantial impact…
-Lucas Bartzis