Joey was an incredible person and one of my very best friends. He was smart, funny, active, outgoing, honest, and loyal. He brought tremendous energy with him everywhere he went. Through the years, I had the pleasure of calling Joey a teammate, classmate, fraternity brother, and even colleague one summer at Devanco Foods. He was always someone you wanted to be around and always someone you could count on.
Although he did his fair share of teenage and early early-adulthood socializing, Joey never lost sight of the significance of the roles he played in people’s lives. That always stood out to me. He knew the importance of being a son, brother, friend, and so much more. He cared about everyone and was committed to doing right by them. Despite all the fun we had playing football and attending parties, it was his relentless dedication to doing the right thing that I will always remember him most for. He treated people the way he would want to be treated, and expected you to do the same. He was courageous and inspiring.
I will forever be grateful to Joey for the time I was able to enjoy with him and the impact he has had, and will continue to have, on my life. The void of his passing will never be filled, but I truly believe that Joey had a greater purpose. His story, and this foundation, will help to save the lives of others. For that, Joey will always be a hero.
-Harry Furse