A message from Austin King...

I first met Joey at a Sigma Chi fraternity rush event in the fall on 2010. I remember during deliberations (when we decide who is receiving an invitation to pledge) a story surfaced about three kids from Chicago who ran through another fraternity house and kindly removed all of their exit signs hanging from the ceiling. Needless to say, we knew they were the perfect fit. Joey and I experienced a lot of life together throughout college and in the years that followed. I always enjoyed our late nights out on the town, catching up on the phone, or sweating it out in the gym.

Joey lived with a sense of zest and brought an unmistakable vigor to each day. His passion for life created a gravitational pull, it drew people in and gifted them excitement and optimism. Life can sometimes be hectic and even overwhelming, but the Joey Peter Bartzis Foundation provides the world with an opportunity.

This foundation provides us a reminder to slow down and express gratitude; it reminds us to show up each day with an attitude that would make Joey smile. Financially, this foundation possesses the ability to aid in the development of a cure for the disease that took Joey`s life. Our efforts provide hope and inspiration to any family who knows someone battling against Amyloidosis.

I may not be able to call Joey on the phone and sweat it out in the gym anymore, but his spirit and his contagious personality are always with me. I am extremely grateful for the time we spent together; I strive to emulate his passion; and I know he is always looking over my shoulder encouraging me to laugh more often, love more deeply, and most importantly to do a few more reps in the gym.

-Austin King