A message from Charlie...

Joey B. Double Oh Joe. Just a few of the many nick names for our friend Joey. I met Joey beginning of my Freshman year of Highschool. Joey and I then went to ASU together. Each year at school Joey and I lived together. Then after college Joey and I again reunited and lived together in a house in LA.

Joey was and continues to be more than a friend to me, he is family. He was always there for me, and he truly wanted to help. He cared so much about others well-being. He took time to listen and communicate with anyone, he was EVERYONE’S BEST friend. He treated others as he wanted to be treated and he lived to learn and teach and impact others lives. Always down for a good time and always down to have some in dept conversations about life. Joey was always pushing me to be BETTER. But I miss him today and I will continue to miss him every day of my life.

What this Foundation means to me? This foundation to me symbolizes remembrance and invincibility. Unfortunately, Joey is physically gone. But he is not and will never be forgotten and therefore, Joey lives on. Memories are all we have in this life, and memories last a lifetime. My heart and my mind are filled with memories of my time with Joey. Not a day goes by where I do not think about a fun time shared or have an urge to text him about something that I did. It is all sad, but it would have been worse if we never had him at all. So, this foundation is extending Joeys life, this foundation is a reminder and a continuation of Joey Bartzis. This is him making his impact, and this is him staying in our hearts and minds forever.

This foundation is for everyone.
