A message from Kate Chappell...

Passionate, confident, genuine – just a few of the words I’d use to describe you, Joey, but that just barely touches the surface. Devoted to family, excited about work, and a caring friend; your life was too short, but your memory will always live on. I had looked forward to having you as my brother-in-law because you were good to me, but more importantly you were so good to your big brother, Evan. You looked up to him so much and that made and continues to make him better. It makes us all better. An ardent solar energy supporter, I’ve never met anyone who could keep me interested in the topic like you. That says a lot, and not only speaks to your ability to relate to people but proves the sincerity of your commitment. Your motivation was palpable, and that continues to inspire us today. Just as you were passionate about your work and family, we now are passionate about keeping your memory and purpose alive through the Amyloidosis Foundation. Your story will help educate families and the funds raised will support important research. My hope is everyone who reads this message and all of the wonderful stories about Joey, will in some small way, get a glimpse of the person he was and how he continues to inspire. Solar Joe, I'm so fortunate to have had you in my life.

-Kate Chappell
